How to Stay True to Your Resolutions

We’ve all been there before; we create these larger than life resolutions and one by one they fall by the wayside. I’m a huge fan of manifestations, visualizations, and goal setting, as I find they’re helpful in achieving resolutions. I want you to be successful in achieving yours too, so here are my 3 tips for setting realistic resolutions.

First and foremost, be true to yourself.

Is this something you’re doing for yourself or is this something you’re doing for someone else? I promise you, you will always work harder, smarter, and more passionately, when you’re doing it for yourself.

Woman of color holds her baby girl

Here’s an example. I can remember sobbing to my BFF that I really wanted to lose all the baby weight ASAP like 30 days… I started fasting and was driving myself nuts. I knew I couldn’t keep it up. She questioned, “Why? For who? Because society says a snapback is the ‘new norm’? Your body looks amazing, you're still breastfeeding, you’ll get there, and even if you don't who cares!”

She was right. I wasn’t doing it for me, I was feeling pressured to look a certain way. So instead I started for a gentle practice of pilates, yoga, and barre. Sometimes I would only get in 15 minutes, but I continued to show up for myself daily and I created a habit. Since then, I’ve met my pre-Norah bodyweight! I’m not at my pre-Liam bodyweight yet, and that’s okay. I may have more weight to lose, but I’ve gained more than I could have imagined by reframing my goals and making the mission to nurture my mental and physical health instead of pressure from someone else. Micro-tip; sometimes it helps to set the goal around the process vs the outcome. 

A woman sits in her office preparing for a work day

Make a plan.

If you didn’t see last week’s journal entry, I highly suggest you go back and read it! I talk all about vision setting and creating actionable plans. It’s one thing to say you’re going to do something it’s another thing to do it. How can you measure your progress or success? What steps are you taking? You need a plan. Trust me, putting in the work is worth its weight in reward. Download my workbook here for free through the month of January!

Set up support & celebrate.

Find a partner, keep each other accountable, and don’t forget to celebrate together. I know this sounds cheesy AF but Tyler and I actually high five after we workout together. We also say out loud how much better we feel and pay each other compliments. Sometimes that looks like “Wow, my anxiety has really calmed down” or “Hey babe you're really looking great, I can’t believe how far you have come.” And you know what,  sometimes it’s a mini drumstick toast!

No matter how you shake it, giving yourself check-ins and mini touchpoints will make all of the difference when it comes to setting realistic resolutions.


When Joy is a Form of Activism


Vision Setting for 2021